Perks of Our Program

  • We create a plan that is specifically tailored to each family/ child
  • We take time to listen to each family to better understand their specific needs
  • We do not require a set amount of hours per week, instead we base it on what hours would specifically benefit each client
  • We have over 15 different groups a week to address social skills (cooking group, sports group, board game group, healthy relationships, self regulation, augmentative devices, and so many more!)
  • We collaborate with schools, daycares, and other therapies to ensure success and consistency
  • We work with clients in the community to ensure generalization of skills
  • We offer flexible options to fit family needs, such as working in various environments depending on what the child needs (daycare, school, other family members homes, etc)
  • We include siblings as often as we can to work on a variety of skills and encompass family values
  • We work around your child's availability and encourage school if that is what is appropriate
  • We have a highly creative team that finds unique rewards and motivators
  • We create visuals to help a child learn
  • We use a variety of different comprehensive assessments, so we always can find one that is unique to your child